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Chicago/Turabian/SBL Style Guide (Notes-Bibliography)

Guide to using the Chicago/Turabian and SBL style manuals.

A Note on Terminology and Biblical Studies Resources

Bibliography items are listed alphabetically at the end of the research paper. Footnote references are items referred to in the body of the paper. 

For specific Biblical Studies resources and tools that are not expressly covered by Turabian, the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) guide is used. The SBL style guide builds upon Turabian and provides reference for citing subject specific material that may not fit within the basic formating of Chicago/Turabian.

Article from a Journal


Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Article: Subtitle of Article." Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of Publication): page range.


1. Author's First and Last Names, "Title of the Article: Subtitle of Article," Title of Journal Volume Number, Issue Number (Date of Publication): page number.

Article from a Journal in a Database

Follow the format for an Article in a Journal.

You will need to add the URL of the article after the final punctuation of the footnote or bibliography entry. In most databases, this is not the URL in the browser's bar, it will be available as "permalink" or "article URL". [The URL in the browser's search bar is typically tied to a user login or "session" and therefore, will not be connected to the article, it will go nowhere.]

If a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is present, use that. Precede the DOI with "" in the citation.