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Chicago/Turabian/SBL Style Guide (Notes-Bibliography)

Guide to using the Chicago/Turabian and SBL style manuals.

Margins, Fonts, and Indents - Turabian 9, A.1 General Format Requirements


1" margins on all sides.

Exceptions (in instructions by professor)

  • 1.5" left margin and .5" right margin - used for binding a document.
  • 2" margin on one side - for instructor comments on a rough draft
  • An easily readable typeface (Times New Romans or Arial)
  • At least ten-point Arial or twelve-point Times New Roman
  • Same font and size throughout paper, unless specified by instructor

1/2" indentation used at beginning of paragraph, use <Tab>

Spacing - Turabian 9, A.1 General Format Requirements


Double space. No extra line between paragraphs.

Exceptions are: block quotations, table titles and figure captions, and lists in appendixes

Reference Page and Footnotes

Single space, with one blank line between entries

Block Quotations

Single space quotation

Title Page Format - Turabian 9, A.2.1.2

Follow any model provided by your department.

In general any title page should include the following. Place the title a third of the way down, centered. If the paper has a main title and subtitle, place main title on one line, followed by a colon, and put the subtitle on a new line. Several lines below the title place your name, along with any information requested by the instructor (often course title, department name and number, and the date).

Abstract - Turabian 9, A.2.1.4 Abstract

  • Abstracts that summarize the content of the thesis or disseration are often required
  • First page of the Abstract should be page iii (i is Title page, II is the Copyright page)
  • Leave two blank lines between title and first line of text
  • Double-space the abstract


Block Quotations - Turabian 9, 25.2.2 Block Quotations

  • Five or more lines create a block quotation
  • Single-space a block quotation
  • leave a blank line before and after quotation
  • No quotation marks at either end of the block quotations, but keep any original quotation marks
  • indent the entire block the same 1/2 inch as the first line of a paragraph
  • If you cite the source in a footnote, place the note as a superscript at the end of the block quotation, after the punctuation

Page Number Placement - Turabian 9, A.1.4.2 Placement

Page numbers are placed in one of four places. The important thing is to be consistent and follow your instructions.

  • Centered in the footer
  • Flush right in the footer
  • Centered in the header
  • Flush right in the header

In all cases, at least 1/2 inch from the edge of the page.

Levels of Headings - Levels of Headings - Turabian 9, A.2.2.4 Sections and Subsections

First Level: Centered, Boldface or Italics, Capitalize Each Word (Title Case)

Second Level: Centered, Regular Type, Capitalize Each Word (Title Case)

Third Level: Flush Left, Boldface or Italics, Capitalize Each Word (Title Case)

Fourth Level: Flush left, regular type, sentence-style capitalization

Fifth Level: run in at the beginning of paragraph (no blank line after), boldface or italics, sentence-style capitalization, terminal period [think of this as an intro sentence to the paragraph that just happens to be in boldface or italics].