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Chicago/Turabian/SBL Style Guide (Notes-Bibliography)

Guide to using the Chicago/Turabian and SBL style manuals.


Beginning in the fall 2012, the Graduate Ministry Program has adopted the SBL Handbook of Style for paper citations. You can get a copy of the template from the course “doc sharing,” from the instructor, or your Academic Coach.

It is recommended that students unfamiliar with citations follow Author-Date Style (Toney 2008, 142) See examples on this page. However, advanced users may use Footnotes1.  See examples in Graduate Student Handbook.

Endnotes should never be used.

A copy of the SBL Handbook of Style (2nd Edition) is available in the Darling Library. But students may need to purchase a personal copy.

1 Carl N. Toney, Paul’s Inclusive Ethic: Resolving Community Conflicts and Promoting Mission in Romans 14-15, WUNT 2/252, (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008), 25.

Citing the Bible

For all papers, projects, threaded discussions, etc., students should cite the Bible according to the following guidelines. Names of the books of the Bible cited without chapter or chapter and verse should be spelled out in the main text. Books of the Bible cited with chapter or chapter and verse should be abbreviated (never spelled out!), unless they come at the beginning of the sentence. All occurrences of biblical books in parentheses and footnotes should be abbreviated. Authors citing more than one translation of the Bible must indicate which translation is used in a particular citation (When this citation is in parentheses, a comma is not needed to separate the citation and the abbreviation of the translation, as is indicated in the fourth example below).


  • The passage in 1 Cor 5 is often considered crucial.
  • The passage, 1 Cor 5:6, is often considered crucial.
  • First Corinthians 5:6 is a crucial text.
  • “Do you not know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?" (1 Cor 5:6).


  • In First Corinthians chapter five verse six, Paul writes a crucial text.
  • In 1 Corinthians 5:6, Paul writes a crucial text.

All Assignments

All assignments should adhere to the following format:

  • 1 page = 250 words
  • Times New Roman 12 point font (or Calibri 12 point font)
  • Double-spaced
  • 1-inch margins
  • Quotations over 3 lines long should be single-spaced and indented

Final Papers

Final papers should include a Cover Page with at least the following information:

  • Student’s Name
  • Hope International University
  • Paper Title/Assignment
  • Course Name
  • Instructor
  • Date

Author-Date Style Citations

Author-Date Citations go at the end of a sentence, right before the final punctuation and should include: the author/editor’s last name, year of publication, page number (note: no comma between author’s name and year of publication). A more extensive list along with explanations can be found in the SBL Handbook of Style in section 7.4.

Sample single work citations

  • A groundbreaking treatment can be found in Minear (1971 1–23).
  • Paul seeks to unify two groups (Marcus 1989, 67–81).
  • Tobin (2004, 58, 64, 76) draws attention to the issue.
  • “The apostle Paul is the acknowledged author of 2 Corinthians” (Martin and Toney 2009, 267).

Two citations in the same sentence

  • An agrarian society is built upon agricultural production (Lenski and Lenski 1974, 207; Lenski 1966, 192).

An author with two works in the same year - add “a” and “b” (oldest to most recent):

  • Paul wrote Romans from Corinth (Karris 1991a, 44).
  • Paul is writing about a hypothetical situation (Karris 1991b, 84).

Author-Date Style Bibliography

A Bibliography should be included at the end of every essay that cited sources.

  • Use 12 point font, single spaced with one space between entries
  • Have second lines indented
  • Only be made for works actually cited in the essay
  • Alphabetically arranged by last name; use -----. Instead of the author’s name for multiple works by same author (oldest to most recent)



Article in reference work/dictionary (when article author listed)

Journal articles

Web sources: use only sources that have named authors. Do not use anonymous sources you find online. Web sources may be cited without page numbers, if they’re not available.