Logging into Research Databases and Other Licensed Content
The proxy server login allows current HIU students, faculty and staff to access our Research Databases, online journal articles, eBooks and other licensed resources. Find out how by following the link below:
SALT User Names
SALT students: You will encounter the following login screen when trying to use many of the library's resources. Note that, unlike other HIU students, your username corresponds with your ID#. If you cannot log in with your ID# and password, please contact the Information Technology Department at 714-879-3901 x2607 or send an email to [email protected] and be sure to mention that you are a SALT student.
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For local (Fullerton) students...
If you are in the area and would like to use the physical material within the library, you can be set up with a Library Patron Account. This account is different from the login used to access Research Databases. For more details about this secondary login, see below.
Learn more about your Library Patron Account Login here.