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Handbook for Patrons

Coverage of our policies, procedures, and general information about the Hugh & Hazel Darling Library

The Darling Library doesn't have everything

Because no library can have everything, libraries participate in various resource sharing agreements that allow patrons to take advantage of resources of other libraries. Here is what the Darling Library offers our patrons.

Introduction to InterLibrary Loan

Hope International University offers an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service in which we borrow items from other libraries on behalf of our students, staff, and faculty. Therefore, if you need a book or article that the HIU Library does not own, in most cases you may request the item through ILL. See details below.

Interlibrary Loans - Electronic Resources

Through the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service Hope International University may request copies of digital items from other libraries on behalf of our patrons. E-Resources usually include journal articles and portions of e-books that HIU does not hold.


Who may request ILL copies of digital items?

All HIU students, faculty, and staff may request and receive ILL copies of digital items. They do not need to be returned to the library.

How does it work?

​Borrowers must submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form and agree to abide by any borrowing restrictions and costs imposed by the lending library.


From within WorldCat Discovery

  1. Click on the "Request Item" button when you find an article or eBook that is not held by Hope International University. 
  2. Complete the online Request Form

About my request

  • Media Type: Article - Copy
  • Needed Before: Enter the latest date you can use the item. The request will be processed as quickly as possible but if the item is not available before you need it, you will be notified of cancellation.
  • Comments (Optional): 

My address and contact information

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Patron ID: Your HIU ID number.
  • HIU email address: ILL documents will only be sent to your official university email address. 
  • Telephone (optional): 
  • Status: Indicate your status for verification of ID and statistical purposes.
  • Pick up location: There is no need to specify. Digital items will be emailed to you. Leave as "Main Campus".

From within EBSCO or ProQuest:

If you find a citation for an article whose full-text is not provided by our library, follow the database instructions to request a copy. You will be prompted to complete their online request form that will be submitted to our library staff for mediation. ILL documents will only be sent to official university email addresses.

Turnaround time:

From the time of request it can take up to a week for a digital article or pages from an eBook to arrive in your inbox.

What are the rules?

Digital items are sent to your HIU email address. An HIU email address is required.

Because you do not physically have to pick up the item in the Darling Library in Fullerton, online students and faculty have full access to digital ILLs. That means you may request (nearly) any journal article or chapter of e-book that we do not own or subscribe to.

NOTE: Only portions of eBooks may be supplied within the fair use guidelines.

Like physical ILLs there is a turn-around time, though it is usually quicker for digital items because shipping is not involved.

How will I know?

All notifications will come through email. An HIU email address is required to process any ILL request. 

  • Unavailability. The patron will be notified in the event that the requested materials could not be obtained. 

If you have questions, please send an email to [email protected] or call the front desk at (714) 879-3901, ext. 1234.

What does that mean?

eResources - electronic items such as eBooks and eJournal articles that are delivered electronically in PDF, html, or other digital file formats.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - a system by which libraries obtain items from other libraries for their patrons.

Lending library - a library that "lends" items to the Darling Library on behalf of HIU library patrons.

Library patron - library supporter, user, or customer. 

NOTE: Unlike print books, eResources are not technically "loaned" since they do not need to be returned to the "lending library". 

Interlibrary Loans - Print Books

The Darling Library participates in an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service that allows us to borrow books from other libraries on behalf of our patrons in the Fullerton area.

Who may request Interlibrary Loans for print books?

Interlibrary Loans of print books are offered to Hope International University (HIU) faculty, staff, trustees, and registered students in good standing with the Darling Library.

  • Students and faculty may only use this service if they are able to visit campus to pick up and return books. If you are not near campus, see the Reciprocal Borrowing page for information on programs that permit you to visit and borrow books from libraries closer to you.

How does it work?

​Borrowers must submit an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request form and agree to abide by any borrowing restrictions and costs imposed by the lending library.


From within WorldCat Discovery

  1. Click on the "Request Item" button when you find a book that is not held by the Darling Library at Hope. 
  2. Complete the online Request Form

About my request

  • Media Type: Books/Media - Loan
  • Needed Before: Enter the latest date you can use item. The request will be processed as quickly as possible but if the item is not available before the date you need it, you will be notified of cancellation.
  • Comments (Optional): 

My address and contact information

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Patron ID: Your HIU ID number.
  • HIU email address: ILL documents will only be sent to your official university email address. 
  • Telephone (optional): 
  • Status: Please indicate your status for verification of ID and statistical purposes.

Turnaround time:

From the time of request it can take up to two weeks for a print book to arrive at the Darling Library for pick up. Loan policies of the lending library will determine the return due date.

What are the Rules?

  • The lending institution determines the loan period and may impose restrictions such as whether the item can be renewed or taken out of the library. This will be communicated to you upon receiving the item.
  • Once you have received the material, you are responsible for charges due to loss or damage as well as any overdue fines charged by the lending institution.

Please treat these materials carefully, since we need to maintain the best possible relationships with these institutions.

What if I need the book longer?

If you are not finished with the material as the due date approaches, you may request to have the borrowing time extended. Contact the Interlibrary Loan office at [email protected] or call (714) 879-3901, ext. 1223 at least 3 days prior to the due date to request an extension.

NOTE: A request is not a guarantee for an extension. The decision to extend the due date is solely at the discretion of the lending library. If the renewal request is refused by the lending library, the borrower must return the item by the original due date or pay associated overdue fees.

If a request for extension is not received prior to the due date the item(s) will not be renewed and the borrower will be expected to return the book by the original due date or pay associated overdue fees. Please plan ahead!

How will I know?

All notifications will come through email. An HIU email address is required to process an ILL request. 

  • Arrival. The patron will be notified when the material arrives. Most requests are filled within 2 weeks and may be picked up the Darling Library Circulation Desk in Fullerton or the Main Desk in Anaheim (depending on which campus you selected).
  • Pick-up. A notice will accompany the material with information regarding any applicable fees and a due date.
  • Unavailability. The patron will be notified in the event that the requested materials could not be obtained. 

If you have questions, please send an email to [email protected] or call (714) 879-3901, ext. 1223.

What does that mean?

Borrower - a library patron who borrows books from the library.

Borrowing library - a library that borrows books from a lending library.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) - a system by which libraries obtain items from other libraries for their patrons.

Lending library - the library from which the Darling Library borrows books on behalf of HIU patrons.

Lending policies - policies that govern the lending of books. This includes whether the book may be borrowed, by whom, for how long, and consequences for not following the policies (i.e., overdue fines and/or restriction from future borrowing.) 

Library patron - library supporter, user, or customer. 

What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
ILL is a borrowing and lending service arranged between libraries across the country to provide books and periodical articles that your local library does not own. If our library does not own a book or article that you need, we can often borrow it from another library on your behalf.

Who may make an ILL request?
This service is offered to current students, faculty, and staff of Hope International University.

How do I make an ILL request?
As you search the Discovery Service or research databases, look for a Request Interlibrary Loan link and follow the instructions. (You will need to be logged in to have that option presented to you.)

What if I cannot request an item from the library catalog (through WorldCat)?
You can email ILL help with details about the item. A library staff member will create a new request.

How long does it take to get items through ILL?
Most requests for books are filled within 2 weeks after they are submitted. Be sure to allow enough time for libraries to process your request and send it through the mail.

How will I know when my item has arrived?
The ILL office will notify you by email when your item has arrived. You can also inquire at the Circulation Desk. | email ILL help

Where do I pick up my item?
You may pick up your ILL books at the Circulation Desk. Electronic copies of articles will be sent as a .pdf link to your HIU email address.

How long can I keep an ILL item?
Books borrowed through ILL will have a due date noted on the accompanying book wrapper. You may contact the Library to request a renewal. Renewals are not automatically granted. You will receive an email through your HIU email account if the item has been renewed.

You may keep periodical articles sent as a .pdf link to your HIU email.

Where do I return books borrowed through ILL?
Return ILL books to the Circulation Desk or the book drop outside of the library.

How much will it cost me?
There is no charge for Interlibrary loans. However, you are responsible for any overdue fines which may be charged by our library or the original lending library.

Who do I contact with questions?
Email ILL Help or call (714) 879-3901, ext. 1212.

Public Libraries

Public Libraries throughout the United States offer services to taxpayers in their city or county. Normally, proof of residency (or in some cases, place of employment) within the boundaries of the library's service area is required to obtain library privileges.

OCLC Express Library

The Darling Library has been awarded by OCLC for its consistent, speedy delivery of digital materials via Interlibrary Loan.