Two logins for the library
There are two different logins required to access library resources and services.
2020-09-27 - rrh
My Library Account
Username: Your HIU ID number
Password: you will create it
What is it for?
This is the same account that is used to check out books from the library. It is also required to request Interlibrary Loans, place holds, renew books, and create personal book lists online.
(Click on the link below to learn how to set up your library patron account for the first time.)
2021-06-24 - rrh
HIU Network Account
Username: your HIU network/email address
Password: your HIU network/email password
What is it for?
This is for logging in to our licensed research databases, eBooks, and eJournals.
Authentication for these resources is controlled through the HIU network server maintained by IT. If you have trouble logging in with your network credentials, contact the IT help desk at [email protected] or (714) 879-3901, ext. 2607.
WiFi Login
While inside the Darling Library in Fullerton you will be able to login to the HIU wireless network using your personal WiFi enabled devices.
This is how.
What is it for?
This will enable you to use the wireless network to access the Internet with your personal devices while in the library.
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