At check out, patrons should be alerted verbally when their items are due and a printed receipt will be provided.
Reminders and overdue notices will be sent via email, as needed.
Email addresses are required for all patrons. All notices are sent via email. No notices are printed by the library.
Patrons will receive a courtesy email notice by email before items are due.
An overdue notice will be sent by email when the item becomes overdue.
Overdue Fines
The library lends materials for a specified period of time. In order to maintain and provide access to its shared collection, fines are charged for keeping books beyond the due dates.
Overdue fines accrue at a rate of 25 cents per day to a maximum of $10.00 per item.
After an item is 40 days overdue, an additional $10.00 processing fee is added along with a $50.00 item replacement charge.
If the book is returned after this time, the $50.00 item charge is waived.
Suspension of borrowing privileges will be placed on any patron with a fine of $10.00 or more on their record.
Overdue fines for Reserve items accrue at a rate of 25 cents per hour.
Overdue fines for special items (such as music lab keys) may vary.
Lost Materials
Upon approval, the $50.00 replacement fee may be waived if the patron replaces a lost book with the exact edition.
The $10.00 processing fee and any overdue fines remain on record to be paid.
Paying Fines
Patrons with overdue fines may pay at the library in cash or by check.
Alternatively, fines may be paid by credit card at the business office. A receipt will be issued by the business office to the patron to present at the library in order to clear the patron record.
Image source: Icanhascheeseburger