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Faculty Guide

Guide to effectively using library resources and services at HIU.

Library Reserves

High demand books, CDs, videos (and even rocks and skeletons) are placed on Reserve behind the Circulation Desk for students to check for a limited period of time (usually 4 hours) for use within the library only. Some items are in such high demand (such as tools for exegetical study) that they are kept on Reserve on a permanent basis. Students are charged for overdue items on Reserve at a rate of 25 cents per hour. 

How Students Access Reserves

Students must go to the Circulation Desk to request items on Reserve in the Darling Library.

Students will be asked to leave their HIU ID card or another form of ID when checking out a Reserve item. Reserve items are not to leave the Library.

Course Reserves

Faculty may request items be put on Course Reserves for students in a particular class.

Course Reserves will remain on Reserve for one term. Library materials will then return to the Main or Reference stacks at the end of the term. Faculty personal copies will be returned via interoffice mail.

To put a book from our library's Main or Reference collection on Reserve:

  1. Please verify that the library has the book by searching the catalog.
  2. At least one week before the students need the book, please send the following information to [email protected].
  • Book information: title, author, publisher, edition, call number
  • Course information: Term dates (semester needed)
  • Instructor information: name and email
  • Any other instructions or questions you may have

TIP: An easy way to do this is to find the book in our catalog and click on the Share drop-down menu on ​the top right-hand side of the item record, select Record Link, copy and email it to [email protected] the link. (Please DO NOT “Email record” from the catalog because it will not include the instructor information.)

Putting Your Own Books on Reserve

If the library does not have a book or an insufficient number of books needed for your class, you may put your own personal copy on Reserve.

To put your own personal books on Reserve:

Send an email to [email protected] with the following information at least 1 week before students need it.

  • Book information: title, author, publisher, edition
  • Course information: Term dates (semester)
  • Instructor information: name and email
  • Any other instructions or questions you may have

NOTE: The library will affix a barcode sticker to the book and a brief record will be created in the catalog.  (Removal of barcode may cause minor damage to cover; we do our best to minimize this!)

The book will be shelved under your name behind the Circulation Desk where your students may request the book for check out. The record will be deleted and the book will be returned to you at the end of the term.

Copyright and Reserves

The Darling Library will accept faculty course reserves that comply with the copyright laws of the United States.

Click on the link below for more information on copyright.