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Faculty Guide

Guide to effectively using library resources and services at HIU.

** Work in Progress**

Each box should include: concept, description of concept, and a sample prompt that should produce "misuse" of AI.


The point of all this is that focusing on an AI "writing" an essay as the only way students will cheat is a big mistake. Students can shortchange themselves and eliminate potential learning by cheating with AI in a myriad of ways. This is a list to make instructors aware that cheating / misuse of AI occurs in dozens of ways; one of which is having an AI write a paper. And the majority of these will not be caught by TurnItIn or Grammarly's Authorship thing.


AIs are great at brainstorming ideas, concepts, or terms. An AI can easily respond with a myriad of ideas if anyone asks.

[PROMPTFor a college course on Shakespearean literature I need to brainstorm 12 major themes in his plays, can you help?

Generating Research Questions

Generating research questions is actually a variation of brainstorming. Again, AIs have no problem coming up with a list of ideas.

[PROMPTAgain for my Shakespeare class, what questions should I ask so that I really understand Henry V?

Outline a Paper

Students can ask an AI to write an outline based on a topic or based upon your assignment instructions; just copy and paste.

[PROMPT] I need to create an outline for a five-page college paper on the themes found in Shakespeare's play, "Henry V"

Search for Resources

Most AI models are now connected to the internet (wasn't true for most AIs until Fall of 2023). They can search the internet for resources (the caveat is that they don't have access to our databases because the AI cannot log in). Some AIs are basically Large Language Models on top of a search engine (Perplexity, Scite, Consensus, Semantic Scholar, and Elicit); many can even summarize the articles for the student. Connected Papers AI will search for a topic and then present the papers that are related by citation (both backwards to previous articles and forwards to articles that cite the current article).

[PROMPTI need resources, mostly journal articles, that would be appropriate for a paper on the themes found in Shakespeare's play, "Henry V"

[NOTES]  None of the resources listed by the AI were peer-reviewed. But, I didn't ask, so it may have been able to get some.

Summarize a Resource

Almost every AI has the ability to summarize text. Many now can summarize a pdf, a video (link or pasted video), or a website. Many will allow the student to ask that the summary be at a certain level (can dumb down a tough topic). Even Adobe's Reader can now summarize a pdf.

[PROMPT] Summarize this [insert text or paste file]

[NOTES All AIs have text input limits, but most are large enough to summarize an article.

Create a Literature Review / Summarize Literature

[See Search For Resources discussion]

Create a Presentation (PowerPoint Slides)

Students can request that an AI produce the content for slides in a presentation. Some AIs can even produce the slides themselves. The student can request a number of slides and the topic. A good student would include some content to ensure that it gets used in the presentation.

[PROMPTCreate a 7 slide Power Point presentation, with an eighth slide being a bibliography, for a college class on Shakespeare on the major themes of Shakespeare's play, "Henry V"

[NOTES] The AI produced the content as to what should be on each slide.

Write Songs (Text to Music)

Some AIs are capable of writing songs and producing music. The student can input lyrics or a theme and then choose the style/s of music. In a few moments the AI can produce an entire 4 minute song.

[PROMPTCan you write a country and western song about the themes found in Shakespeare's play, "Henry V"


(Verse 1) He was a king, young and bold, With a crown of gold and a heart of steel, In the fields of Agincourt, stories told, Of a leader who made his people feel.

(Chorus) Oh, Henry, with your banners high, Lead us through the stormy sky, With honor, war, and destiny, You're the king who set us free.

(Verse 2) From England's shore to France's land, He marched with courage, sword in hand, Through battles fierce, he took a stand, A warrior king, so grand.

(Chorus) Oh, Henry, with your banners high, Lead us through the stormy sky, With honor, war, and destiny, You're the king who set us free.

(Bridge) In the face of doubt, he stood tall, With words of fire, he’d never fall, A captain, a commoner, a king so true, Henry, we all look up to you.

(Chorus) Oh, Henry, with your banners high, Lead us through the stormy sky, With honor, war, and destiny, You're the king who set us free.

(Outro) Now let the tales of Henry ring, In every heart and voice, we sing, A legacy of strength and pride, In Henry V, our faith resides.


[NOTESThis was Copilot, not Suno. Suno would have written the song, the music and such and I could have downloaded it. For an example of Suno, go to the Atla Hymn of Praise Guide and scroll to the bottom.


Make Movie Clip (Text to Video)

Just as some AIs can write music or compose a song, some AIs can take a text prompt and make a video or video game. Again, style has to be assigned and videos tend to be really short (longer for paid subscriptions).

[PROMPTmake a short video, cartoon style, of Henry V's speech on St. Crispin's day


I can't create videos, but here’s an idea for a short, animated version:

Scene 1: Battlefield Setup

  • Pan across the muddy battlefield at dawn

  • Soldiers looking weary and anxious

Scene 2: Enter Henry V

  • Henry, animated with charisma and a determined expression

  • Slow zoom as he begins speaking

Scene 3: Animated Speech Highlights

  • “This day is called the feast of Crispian”

  • Soldiers animated with hopeful expressions

  • “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers”

  • Close-up on soldiers, united and resolute

Scene 4: Climactic Moments

  • Henry passionately declaring, “For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother”

  • Soldiers cheering, animation highlighting the unity and courage

Scene 5: Ending Scene

  • Zoom out on the soldiers rallying behind Henry

  • Fade to black with triumphant music


[NOTES] just need to use the right AI. Copilot is not a paid subscription, so I don't have that option.

Give a Speech (Recording)

It is possible to turn images (between 8 and 30 typically) of the student into an avatar, one that can look like it is speaking. The student can record about 2 minutes of speech and that is used to train the AI. It, the avatar, can then "read" a script (possibly written by an AI) in the student's voice. For an online class, it may be possible to fool a class that the avatar was the student and that the speech given was the student actually speaking. [This is how deep fakes of political figures are created.] Yepic.AI is one of those companies that can do this with your image or one of their existing avatars. I believe that the tutorials for Slingshot (our bookstore) were made with Yepic. They were AI generated that's for sure.

[PROMPT] [This is not usually a prompt, but choose an avatar, a voice, and then enter your text]

Generate a Fake Resource List

AI can already generate a mixture of real and fake resources. Students that don't write the paper often have to resort to "fluffing" a bibliography, they have to create real looking resources. In this case, students can just ask for one created by an AI.

[PROMPTI need a reference page for a college paper with 10 resources on the topic of the themes of Shakespeare's play, "Henry V" in APA format


Here's a reference page in APA format for your college paper on the themes of Shakespeare's "Henry V":


Bezio, K. M. S. (2016). Personating leadership: Shakespeare’s Henry V and performative negotiation. Journal of Leadership Studies, 10(2), 1-12.

Deats, S. (2004). Henry V and the politics of war. Shakespeare Quarterly, 55(1), 1-24.

Pye, D. (1990). Henry V: The mirror of all Christian kings. Shakespeare Studies, 18, 45-60.

Rabkin, E. S. (1977). Henry V and the crisis of leadership. Shakespeare Quarterly, 28(1), 3-15.

Shushok, W. F., & Moore, D. G. (2010). Leadership in literature: A review of the literature. Journal of Leadership Education, 11(1), 1-14.

"Henry V Themes." (2023). LitCharts. Retrieved from

"Henry V Themes." (2023). eNotes. Retrieved from

"Henry V Study Guide." (2017). A Noise Within. Retrieved from

"Henry V." (2023). Folger Shakespeare Library. Retrieved from

"Henry V: A Study Guide." (2023). SparkNotes. Retrieved from

Does this look good to you?


[NOTES] All of the web sources are real, but every one of the articles at the top of the reference list are fake / made up. Journal titles are real, some authors are real, but every "article" is fake.

Write / Edit an Essay

A lazy student, foolish student, or one on a time crunch, will just skip trying to write parts of an assignment and will instead ask the AI to write the whole thing.

[PROMPTWrite a 1200 word essay about the themes of Shakespeare's play, "Henry V" for a college-level course on Shakespeare. Be sure to include APA style in-text citations and have a separate Reference page.

[NOTES]  Total length of essay was 979 words. If bibliography included, it probably was close to 1050. appropriate depth and writing style, BUT few in-text citations. Those citations were mostly to the text of the play and one article. Yes, the article was listed in the reference page. Unfortunately, all the articles were faked (real journals and some real authors, but made up titles).