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Information Literacy Toolkit

Integrating information literacy (IL) into coursework and programs.

The Goal

Better Information Literacy (IL) integration at the course and program levels to improve student academic performance and retention.

[Steve - Feb 2023] IL is a big picture approach to information production, publication, distribution, access, and use. A literate person is aware of, understands, and can speak about all of these things. In a university setting, we often get caught up in the access and use part. We focus on finding stuff for students to use in a paper. Our goal should be to cover all aspects of IL so that we, the people at Hope, can participate in the production, publication, distribution, access, and use of information. 

Production - the library should help and encourage our students and faculty to produce (writing, speaking, whatever, even podcasting)

Publication - the library should help and encourage our research to reach a finished format that can then be distributed

Distribution - the library should help and encourage our students and faculty to find appropriate means of distribution of their work. This may mean finding journals to publish material, conferences to speak at, or even using our institutional repository for preserving and distributing our works. Not only should the library keep lists of publications from our faculty, but we should also preserve copies of that work (OA or pre0print versions as allowed by publishers).

Access - the library should help and encourage our students and faculty to access information from our resources (physical collection of books and journals, our archives, our databases, our LibGuides, our handouts, our video tutorials, and any other resource we have or produce).

Use - the library should help and encourage our students and faculty to use the resources in a legal and ethical manner. And when necessary assist the patron in understanding how to use a resource (our databases or other resources [computer programs, Canvas, Grammerly, etc.]).


With this in mind, no one format of information literacy seems complete (ACRL Standards, ACRLFramework, AACU VALUE Rubric, SCONCIL, nor ANZIL). As a librarian it is good to work with the ACRL Frameworks and sprinkle in some ideas from the others. This means that even though the Standards have been sunset, they are still one way to look at IL.

Additional Comments

This guide is meant to introduce and discuss Information Literacy (IL) to faculty. This guide presents the old way of doing things (ACRL IL Standards), what should be our new approach (ACRL Framework), and a lot of other definitions and discussions. I am not including them to try and muddy the waters, but to show that we are often talking about the same or similar things, but just using different vocabulary.


One thing I hope to do here is make recommendations about concepts and PLOs. I am not the one to create the map, but I'd love to point out places and concepts.

Link to Steve's Website on Il Assignments