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AI Literacy Framework

An attempt to create a framework for how we, at HIU, might approach teaching AI to our students so that they might be prepared for the workplace upon graduation.

Ethics: Sustainability

AI training and use is bad for the environment. First, the natural resources mined and used to create the 10s of thousands of chips is terrible for the environment. Second, The waste products from chip making and retired computer products is terrible for the environment. And lastly, the amount of electricity used to train and operate an AI is huge. It is nearly 10 times the amount of electricity to query an AI than it is to commit a search on Google. The problem of running an AI is two-fold. First, the amount of electricity to generate is massive, and we are not totally green with our electricity yet. Second, the heat created by running or training an AI is immense. That means that fans and large AC units are running day and night in those datacenters, just to keep the whole thing from frying. Microsoft has tried putting datacenters in water-tight capsules and placing them at the bottom of the ocean. That solves the need for AC, but it warms the ocean, which can lead to environmental disasters.