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AI Literacy Framework

An attempt to create a framework for how we, at HIU, might approach teaching AI to our students so that they might be prepared for the workplace upon graduation.

One Proposed Outline

Writing One - ENG1100 English Composition - teach basics of good composition (grammar, form, style, argumentation, etc.)

Writing Two - the "Intro to..." course of every major - teach specifics of discipline's style (APA, MLA, etc.) and kinds of writing in the discipline (exegetical, business report, patient report, etc.)

Writing Three - a couple of junior and senior courses - teach peer editing to reinforce what good writing should have - important that students take seriously that editing is an important aspect of composition - possibly teach "peer review" ("that paper isn't ready to be turned in because it is deficient in the following areas...")

Writing Four - one senior course per major - 10% of grade is one unit on "professional writing" - this is a unit on prompt engineering - students learn to use AI to create templates for common writing artifacts used in that career field and use it to write. Again, student also focuses on the deficiencies of the AI writing and edits to improve the writing.

** Business majors often learn the different writing styles / artifacts in their different courses - prompt engineering and editing should take place in one or more of their courses.