Opening address & response: "Transition to transformation: maintaining balance, perspective, and essentials"
Dan Bowell (Taylor University)
Session 2: "User-centered academic libraries: developing resources and services to connect, inform, guide, and nurture"
Session 3: Speed Speech: one-on-one review of five or six topics
Session 4: "Cooperation among CCCU libraries: Is there a role for new alliances amid change among state, regional, and national consortia?"
Session 5: "Effective data collection and analysis: identifying, collecting, and effectively using the key data points"
Session 6: "Provocations about the library’s demise: responding instead of reacting"
Session 7: "The growing 'cloud': fairer weather or impending storm for library resources and services?"
Session 8: "Reflect, rejuvenate, reveille: forming our thoughts and our souls for effective leadership"