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Restoration Movement: Periodicals

Guide for doing research on the Restoration Movement.

Indexes covering the Restoration Movement

Indexes to Restoration Movement articles.

How do you know it's a Restoration Movement periodical?

The Restoration Movement aims to avoid denominational labels and organizational structures, making it difficult to identify publications grown from its roots. In 1948, Claude Spencer compiled an authoritative bibliography of the Periodicals of the Disciples of Christ and related religious groups which is still referenced today.

Periodicals published after that time (and do not explicitly describe themselves as such) can usually be considered to be related to the Restoration Movement through their publishers. Some research is often required to discover the connection.


Examples of currently published periodicals associated with the Restoration Movement.

Restoration Herald

The Restoration Herald is a digital periodical of the Churches of Christ sent as an email attachment to subscribers.It comes to my  [email protected] email. It is also available on the Christian Restoration Association website which is password protected. The monthly email to subscribers includes the URL (, username and password.

September 2022 login credentials are:

  • username: HelpingHand
  • password: Joy2022

I have been saving it to the SharePoint Archives folder under Restoration Herald. However, since they started keeping it on the website, it may not necessary to keep a copy locally. But, this way it is available to those without the login.

That being said, I don't think anyone at HIU has been interested in reading it. I once asked then Dean of Biblical Studies and Ministry, Dr. Joe Grana if he thought anyone on his faculty would be interested in my sending them a copy when I received it. He very confidently said no

I will cancel my subscription and allow my successor to follow up later if anyone asks about it.

Last updated: 09/01/2022 - rrh


WorldCat Discovery Searches

The following WorldCat Discovery searches retrieve periodicals found in the Darling Library of Hope International University.