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MLA Style Guide

Guide for using the Modern Language Association (MLA) style manual.

Performances - MLA 9, pp 334f


Artist's last name, first name. Title of the Work in Italics. Other producers, directors, conductors, or performance group, date in date Month. Year, Location of performance.

Works Cited page

Shaw, George Bernard. Heartbreak House. Directed by Robin Lefevre, Roundabout Theatre Company, 11 Oct. 2006, American Airlines Theatre, New York City.

Lynn, Loretta. Concert. South by Southwest, 17 Mar. 2016, Stubb's, Austin.

Sing Me the Universal: A Walt Witman Bicentennial. Conducted by Mark Shapiro, performed by Cecilia Chorus of New York, 2 Mar. 2019, Church of Saint Francis Xavier, New York City.

Lectures, Talks, Conference Presentations, and Speeches - MLA 9, p 335f

Template for Lecture or Live Permormance

Last name, First. "Title of the Address in Quotation Marks and Nouns and Verbs Capitalized." Name of Group or Meeting, date in date Month. Year, Location of Meeting or Address.

Works Cited page

Jung, Steve. "Practical Information Literacy Assignments in Biblical and Religious Studies." SCATLA Quarterly Meeting, 26 Oct. 2018, Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles.

Citation (In-text)
