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ASME Style Guide

Entirely based upon, "ASME Journals Digital Submission Tool Guidelines and Information". From:
Margins - based upon the Chicago Manual of Style

1" margins set for all sides.

Exceptions set by instructor. Some possibilities:

  • 1.5" left margin and 0.5" right margin for binding
  • 2" margin on one side to allow for instructor comments on rough draft
Indentations - based upon the Chicago Manual of Style

1/2" indentation used at beginning of paragraph, use <Tab>

Fonts - based upon ASME's Journals Digital Submission Tool Guidelines and Information

Times New Roman (or equivalent) set to 9 or 10 point.

Justified alignment (type is spaced automatically that it is spread across a line. Will not have a "jagged right edge".)

[Consult with your instructor as to expectations for font typeface and size]

Spacing - based upon ASME's Journals Digital Submission Tool Guidelines and Information

Single spacing used throughout the paper.

Page Numbers - based upon ASME's Journals Digital Submission Tool Guidelines and Information

Page numbers are placed in one of four places. The important thing is to be consistent and follow your instructions.

  • Centered in the footer
  • Flush right in the footer
  • Centered in the header
  • Flush right in the header

In all cases, at least 1/2 inch from the edge of the page.

Levels of Headings - based upon ASME's Journals Digital Submission Tool Guidelines and Information

Headings and subheadings should appear throughout the work to divide the subject matter into logical parts and to emphasize the major elements and considerations. Parts or sections may be numbered, if desired, but paragraphs should not be numbered.